Directions to the Lecture at
Alvarado Hospital
To Alvarado Hospital from the North, South and West:
- From I-5, I-805, I-163 or I-15 to Hwy 8 East
- Get off of Hwy 8 at the College exit, heading south
- Stay in the left-most lane
- At the first light, turn a sharp left to get on Alvarado Road
- The main entrance to Alvarado Hospital will be on the right side of the road, just before the second light.
- Turn right into the main entrance and the hospital will be on your left. SDRI, where the lectures are, will be on your right.
- Parking is straight ahead in the garage. Validation for free exit will be provided at the lecture.
To Alvarado Hospital from the East:
- Take Hwy 8 headed West
- Get off of Hwy 8 at the College exit, heading south
- Stay in the left-most lane
- At the first light, turn a sharp left to get on Alvarado Road
- The main entrance to Alvarado Hospital will be on the right side of the road, just before the second light.
- Turn right into the main entrance and the hospital will be on your left. SDRI, where the lectures are, will be on your right.
- Parking is straight ahead in the garage. Validation for free exit will be provided at the lecture.